Thursday, 10 March 2011

For Lent this year

Having only realised it was Ash Wednesday yesterday, rather late last night whilst still working, I have made a decsion. This year I shall not be giving anything up. I barely eat chocolate anyway, alcohol would be rubbish as it's my birthday this weekend and giving up tea turns me into an addict in withdrawal and VERY unpleasant to be near. Plus I don't see how any of that makes me a better person which is the point of fasting/self denial etc. No, I shall take something up instead.

Back in the days when I worked in an office, which feels like a lifetime ago to be honest despite it only being just over a year, I used to take up being nicer people. The first 5 people I saw every day I had to say something nice to. Bearing in mind that I worked with academics by the time I got to the 3rd person of the day this was starting to become a struggle but it was worth it. In the long run. I think. However, these days it's mostly me on my own, hubby, the kids and the dogs. And that got me thinking.

I have not been that pleaseant to be around recently. I work too much, too late and rarely have an evening off. I loose my tempter more easily than is normal for me and I am not eating very healthly - and neither are the children to be fair- or getting enough sleep. So I am going to look after myself better. Well at least try to.

This may come across as selfish but it really isn't. If I am healthier, less tired, allow myself time to relax and do the fun creative things I have not done for at least 8 months I will be happier. That will make me a lot more pleasant to be around for my family as I am less likely to be irritable, short tempered, knackered and not feeling quite like myself therefore loosing my temper at the drop of a hat.  As a mother, and a self employed one at that, I do tend to put me last. But if I make myself ill I am no use to my children, my animals, my husband or my clients. I need to make time for the things that are important to me.

So there you go. In the spirit of Lententide I shall endeavour to become a slightly better person to be around.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

A little retro love

A client came round the other day with one of these. I had to dig out an old laptop so that I could even get the right data off it but it sparked a little nostalgia, not just for me but on twitter too, as well as the general consensus for an alternative use!

The ones with my cup of tea on are, i hasten to add, my own that I went and dug out of a drawer and NOT my clients!!!