Monday, 21 February 2011

Yep. It's the first pair of new shoes this year!

Ok I know these aren't the best photos of them but you get that they are orange, high heeled, with pink and blue polka dots and a rather massive beige bow on the fronts. You also can see the quite frankly awesome little feet pictures on the soles that leave little indents in the ground as you walk (on mud for example or in the kids sandpit) and make it look like little pixies have been following you around!

They are not that mad really - I have many more insane pairs - but I think these will work out and get worn quite a lot this year. They have already been on a vintage Valentine's date on a steam train dining service with hubby and drew envious looks from the more sedate passengers.

And they were bought from a client too. Yep, I have a client who is as into shoes as me - yipee!!!!

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