Saturday, 1 January 2011

2011 - You better be an improvement on 2010!

Last year had a couple of really high points, foremost of which was going fully self employed at the start of February, but mostly it was crap. And then it got really crap. I don't wish to dwell on the why's and wherefore's as I'm generally a positive, forward looking kinda' gal but seriously 2011, you better be worth all the hard slog of 2010.

I have cleaned and tidied my house and office, I have a cleaner starting very soon (business goal number 1 achieved and to hell with the mortgage!) and the dogs are mostly getting on. My youngest should magically stop having tantrums as soon as she turns 3 this year (I can but believe) and I will get a break with the nursery costs thereafter. The business is in shape to really push forward and I am sill married to the best person in the world to cope with me. I'm starting you off on the right foot you see.

So 2011, don't fuck up.


  1. Go Rebekah!
    It sounds like things are going to be great for you this year :)
    R xxx

  2. Now that's what I call a "kick ass" New Years resolution . Let the 2011 attitude to life and business begin.

  3. Lol thanks Ladies! Working on it. All I need to do is kick this lethargy and I'm away.

    What plans/resolutions have you made for this year??
