Sunday, 9 January 2011

Comfy wellies and other things that make me happy

I have been thinking, after yesterday's all too brief elation, about all the other little things in my life that make me happy. Not the big important things that are there for the long run like my marriage, my kids, my family and my collection of Irregular Choice shoes, but the little objects or things about me that have the ability to lift my spirits when things seem a bit much.

Fairly close to the top of this list is the fact that I have both new insoles in and new socks for my wellies. This will probably come across as odd to most people but let me explain an important fact. I have 2 dogs. They require walking and at this time of year that usually means in mud and wellies are essential to this exercise. I love my wellies anyway, they are pink, Joules and slightly imperfect which just adds to their charm. Every time I take a step the broken buckle on the side of the right boot jangles slightly and adds a little panache to my walking (or so I like to think anyway!). However, they have been becoming increasingly uncomfortable to walk in for any distance since the onset of the snow. I should explain that one of my dogs is a collie at this juncture and she needs A LOT of exercise to stop her getting bored and generally make her the happy, slightly bonkers dog she is and we adore. I can tell you that the afore mentioned insoles and socks (also bright pink btw) have made them all comfy again!! I admit that at this time of year its rarely me doing the big, long dog walk as I don't like walking them in the dark at 6am round fields I can't see them properly in and through a decidedly dodgy underpass with really unimaginative graffiti that is the only route to said fields, that's my OH's job. But I still take them when I can and it's daylight. I'm really looking forward to our late spring through to early autumn walks when the 6am duty is mine again, more so now my wellies are comfy and have the ability to carry me to some clear headspace and not be absorbed by how many more times I can say ouch under my breathe in between steps.

Other things that are improving my smile factor are my heated rollers, a bright green jumper I bought for a barginous £2 and when my dishcloths are really absorbent at mopping up the leaky kitchen tap. I think I better stop listing these little things publicly now though, as I'm starting to realise just how sad a person I am and that was not my reason for starting this blog up again!!!

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