Monday, 3 January 2011


Yep I've done it already and it's only the 3rd January!!! I've broken one of my resolutions already, although to be fair I had maybe set the bar quite high with this one!

I was going to not shout at the children so much. But then the fighting, whinging and hitting each other began and out of the window went the reasonable tone of voice etc. I'm not on top form either and with the lack of sleep and inability to pay the mortgage this month I let rip. I know I shouldn't have done but there is no point regretting what has already happened and can't be changed. I shall strive to do better as it really isn't their fault and I shouldn't let myself take it out on them - they are only little.

I must implement flow theory in all aspects of my life, work on that counting to 10 thing that I struggle with and then I and they will be much happier. I should also pay more attention rather than trying to do at least 3 things at once. All very easy to say but somewhat more difficult to actually do. Anyway, here's to having another go at that resolution :)

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